
Duration, Minimum Requirements


The Graduate Program leading to the M.Sc. degree lasts, for the full-time programme, three (3) academic semesters, and for the part-time programme the duration is two (2) additional academic semesters.


A graduate student of the full-time programme that has not been awarded the M.Sc. degree within 2 years from the enrollment and a graduate student of the part-time programme that has not been awarded the M.Sc. degree within 3 years from the enrollment, is dismissed from the Graduate Program, unless the General Assembly of Special Composition decides to allow the prolongation for another year. 

Suspension of Study

It is possible for a graduate student to suspend his studies for up to two (2) academic semesters, and only for serious health issues, after the approval of the corresponding application by the General Assembly of Special Composition.

Requirements for obtaining the M.Sc. degree

To be awarded the M.Sc. degree, a graduate student has to attend and successfully complete 8 courses, four during the first two semesters and successfully defend a M.Sc. thesis. The attendance and successful examination of the courses takes place during the first two semesters. During the second semester, the student can take up a topic for his M.Sc. thesis, provided that he has successfully completed at least six courses. In any case, a thesis can be examined only after the successful completion of all courses of the first two semesters. The examination of the M.Sc. thesis takes place during the 3d or 4th week of February, June and October of every academic year, but not before the end of the 3d semester. Every student is examined on his thesis only once, without the possibility of re-examinations. 


The sum of all Graduate courses equals to 90 ECTS credits and more particularly 30 ECTS credits per semester, or in other words 7,5 ECTS credits per course and 30 ECTS credits for the thesis.


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