Web and Mobile Application Development
The subject focuses on: (1) modern web architecture principles, (2) the development of interactive web applications (mostly front-side but also back-side), (3) the functioning of asynchronously communicating web application processes, (4) the design and development of mobile devices' applications, based on web technologies, (5) semantic web elements and the respective data storage, search and exchange standards, (6) applying principles, practices and technologies oriented towards application development for heterogeneous platforms.
Utilization of web technologies on platforms with diverse underlying characteristics. Application development using semantic web standards and asynchronous communication. Assessment ability of web technologies' application development tools and environments. Distinction and management of operations, services and data in web architecture levels. Critical analysis of elements and architectural design of mobile applications. Fluent use and expansion of programming interfaces regarding web and mobile applications.
Basic programming abilities.
Modern web content development technologies (HTML5, CSS3).
Web application scripting languages (Javascript).
Document Object Model, Application Programming Interfaces, multi-tier architecture.
Web application and services asynchronous communication (AJAX, JSON).
Scripting languages frameworks (libraries, frameworks).
Mobile devices' application design and development with web technologies.
Architecture and creation of mobile applications.
Modern topics of ambient web services.
M. Pilgrim, Dive Into HTML5, http://diveintohtml5.info
CSS Basics, http://www.cssbasics.com
A. Rauschmayer, Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers, O'Reilly Media, 2014, http://speakingjs.com/es5/
A. Rauschmayer, Exploring ES6, Leanpub, 2016, http://exploringjs.com/es6/
R. Braithwaite, JavaScript Allongé, the "Six" Edition, Leanpub, 2016, https://leanpub.com/javascriptallongesix/read
By Y. Fain, V. Rasputnis, A. Tartakovsky & V. Gamov, Enterprise Web Development, Building HTML5 Applications: From Desktop to Mobile, O'Reilly Media, 2014, http://enterprisewebbook.com/
During the course, students will carry out 3 or 4 homework assignments (50% of final grade). The rest 50% will come from a written final examination.