
Ομιλία του κ. Γιάννη Ψαρρά (Λέκτορας, University College London)_ Δευτέρα 6/5/2019 06/05/2019

Τη Δευτέρα 6/5/2019 ο κ. Γιάννης Ψαρράς Λέκτορας στο University College London, θα πραγματοποιήσει την παρακάτω παρουσίαση. Η παρουσίαση θα γίνει στο εργαστήριο του 2ου ορόφου (εργ. 234, κτήριο ΓΔ), στις 16:00.

Abstract: The emerging Internet of Things needs edge-computing - this is an established fact. In turn, edge computing needs infrastructure decentralisation. What is not necessarily established yet is that infrastructure decentralisation needs a distributed model of Internet governance and decentralised trust schemes. We discuss the features of a decentralised IoT and edge-computing ecosystem and list the components that need to be designed, as well the challenges that need to be addressed.


Extended Abstract:

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Bio: Dr Ioannis Psaras is an EPSRC Fellow and Lecturer at the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of UCL. He is interested in resource management techniques for current and future networking architectures with particular focus on routing, caching and congestion control. He has been heavily involved in the effort to shift the Internet towards an Information-Centric Networking environment and lately has been focusing on the application of blockchain technologies to future Internet architectures.

Dr Psaras has extensive experience in leading cutting-edge research and managing the development and implementation of proof-of-concept prototypes. He has received five Best Paper Awards for his work in the ICN area. He is active in the IRTF ICNRG group and has co-authored one of the first RFCs of the group (RFC7927). He has attracted more than £2M in research funding to date from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC, UK), from EU FP7/H2020 framework programmes and from Innovate UK. More details can be found here:

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